100% Florida Honey

The Land of Flowers - In 1513, Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon named our state La Florida’ which translates to “The Land of FLowers”

Floral Honey

Florida’s climate and weather are perfect for year round flower growth and honey production. Powered by Florida sunshine, wildflowers bloom abundantly in spring, summer, and fall. As the warm seasons fade and winter sets in, it makes way for our state flower; The Orange Blossom.

Honey bees work diligently, moving from flower to flower to produce sweet golden honey.

Health and Wellness

Our honey is completely raw and unfiltered. It contains vital trace amounts of pollen, propolis, beeswax, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. It comes from a single source origin. Our Honey is 100% pure wildflower, saw palmetto, or orange blossom. We do not blend or mix our honey.

Our Community Our Home

We are a family run business going back five generations in the Orlando area. We fill every container by hand and take pride in partnering with our local stores and restaurants to deliver healthy local honey. Our Honey is 100% from Florida!

All of our containers are reusable glass.

Our Mission

Our mission is to honor and celebrate the “Beauty of Honey”. We seek to curate and highlight the uniqueness of Florida’s floral honey. Our desire is to preserve God’s creation while caring for the well-being of bees and people.